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Alien or just testicles?

A Labour councillor claimed on a Channel 4 documentary he was six years-old when he had his first extra-terrestrial sexual experience. Simon Parkes, a representative for Stakesby in Whitby, showed ITV’s hosts a picture he’d drawn of the first alien he ever met, describing it as “a green creature, about 7ft tall, wearing a purple robe”. He explained: “The creature reached into the cot that I was in, lifted me up and I was tilted over to look straight into its face.” In very deed, he saw Wesley Warren Jr, a former salesman who had gigantic testicles (60 kilograms). The image formed in that kid’s head was so strong that he thought he was even touched and raped by an alien.

From nBounder

(Type: Really?)

(he was raped by a male relative)